Don't Just Take the Bridge. Build It.

Don't Just Take the Bridge. Build It.

One of the beauties of running is how malleable it is to your needs. Some, for example, use it as a means of escape, while others as a means to connect. Last night’s Take the Bridge race was a prime example of the latter, and I was lucky enough to witness it in action. After what I can only describe as a flawlessly executed event, in her address to the post-race crowd at Bronx Brewery, the cofounder of Take the Bridge hit an important point about the structure of running culture. Speaking about her experience as a member of a running team, she mentioned at times feeling like no one crossed the boundaries between teams. How running in clubs could just feel...clubby.

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Find Your Starting Line. We have lift off. Reading Don't Just Take the Bridge. Build It. 3 minutes Next Conquering the Brooklyn Mile

One of the beauties of running is how malleable it is to your needs. Some, for example, use it as a means of escape, while others as a means to connect. Last night’s Take the Bridge race was a prime example of the latter, and I was lucky enough to witness it in action. After what I can only describe as a flawlessly executed event, in her address to the post-race crowd at Bronx Brewery, the cofounder of Take the Bridge hit an important point about the structure of running culture. Speaking about her experience as a member of a running team, she mentioned at times feeling like no one crossed the boundaries between teams. How running in clubs could just feel...clubby.

What I took away from the evening, along with new friends and a flurry of new ideas for Bakline, was the importance of remembering that the malleability of running can be driven by both your own attitude—in the way that you choose to experience and engage with the sport—as well as by the far-reaching actions of trailblazers like Adam and Darcy, who actively tear down walls in the running community.

Last night wasn’t just about taking bridges—it was about building them as well. In continually thinking about how running affects me as an athlete and cofounder of Bakline, as well as how it affects the brand itself, I've been fortunate to be surrounded by those as passionate and nerdy about the sport as I am. And especially by people who give back to and shape the running communityamong them the incredible folks of Take the Bridge as well as Mile High Run Club and NY Custom Performance, who sponsored last night's event. I hope, through Bakline, to give back in the same way. 

Note: Runners, any photos you see in the album are free for reuse for any purpose. Last night was your night, and I hope these help you keep some awesome memories. I just kindly ask only that you credit @baklinerunning should you decide to use any shots.

(Note: The ~150 Photos may take a few seconds to load. Direct link to Flickr Album in case you're having trouble).


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