Using language to better describe how garments are shaped, rather than traditional gender labels
Straight Cut (STR)
"Straight Cut" garments ("STR" in item title) are generally designed for individuals with a more uniform torso as the garment is generally straight in its construction. Its size bands are commonly described or labeled by other brands as a "men's," "unisex" or "tailored unisex" though our garments are not slim fit. The size you most expect to be, if reaching for a garment labeled as "men's," would be a helpful starting point.
Using language to better describe how garments are shaped, rather than traditional gender labels
Contoured Cut (CON)
"Contoured" garments ("CON" in item title) are generally designed for individuals with a more contoured torso, as it is constructed to contour chests and hips. Its size bands are commonly described or labeled by other brands as a "women's cut." The size you most expect to be, if reaching for a garment labeled as "women's," would be a helpful starting point.
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