Kenny Powers, MFCEO

That’s right. M**ha F**kin CEO of K Swiss. Ad agency 72andSunny out in LA has been entrusted by K Swiss to pitch an idea at selling sneakers to foul-mouthed generation Z, M or I kids. Or whatever Generation comes after … Continue reading

That’s right. M**ha F**kin CEO of K Swiss.

Ad agency 72andSunny out in LA has been entrusted by K Swiss to pitch an idea at selling sneakers to foul-mouthed generation Z, M or I kids. Or whatever Generation comes after Y? Net Generation.  The more we see Kenny Powers selling K Swiss, the more real he becomes. Except, he makes a poor choice for main stream spokesmen. Clearly his humor and the amazing copywriting for these spots is beyond certain generations of sporting enthusiasts but perfect for an underground market that K Swiss is hoping to target. Fans and the Net Generation will enjoy these spots in their inspirational glory purely online where they can exist and for fun, be watched over and over.

Obviously not rugby related, K Swiss is looking to move into any market that bites. The bold move to have a fictional character sell your shoes in his finest, uncensored form definitely creates buzz and talk. Will it sell shoes, who knows? Sales will tell. But we thought it credible to highlight a fresh and obnoxious stab for an underdog brand, Bakline Rugby, K Swiss. 72andSunny certainly has experience working with other innovative brands in our category (Nike) and perhaps we can work with them one day since they demonstrate risk taking at it’s best.