One of our favorites…

About ten years ago Men’s Journal ran a campaign titled “Live the Interesting Life” with visually driven ads that wonderfully portrayed that life without portraying a particular man or what he look...

Rugby Costumes!

Rugby is a game chock-full of traditions! We started highlighting some of them in our previous post, i.e. handshakes, songs, bus trips, etc. One of our favorite, fashionable traditions is the creat...

Helping to Rebuild Haiti: Update

It wasn’t long ago and among a growing list of devastating earthquakes around the world, Haiti suffered a major one that rattled the towns and spirits of the people. We jumped in with many others o...

2013 Look Book comes to life!

We’re proud to release our new collection of tees and accessories for 2013. As we look back on 2012, our new collection of gear comes courtesy of feedback from our fans, rugby players and overseas ...

It’s not just rugby

Wouldn’t you want to live in place where rugby is so prevalent that it becomes a marketing idea to help divert your passionate attention? Of course, this is from New Zealand last year but there are...

Perversion by Logo: Cost of the Soul?

Last year we wrote on the “NASCARization” of the rugby jersey. How in increasing tough economic times for sports franchises, team executives sold more jersey space to the next highest bidder. But a...

Art by HUSH in backdrop of Bakline

It’s one of those days not long ago when browsing the interwebs you stumble upon something relavent and familiar. Living in New York City will assault you with the arts no matter what you do or wha...

Outsourcing and the politics of America

It has been making the rounds. The talk of the town for some and mere conversational fodder for others. America outsourcing merchandise to the Chinese! Gasp! This topic has been quoted and discusse...

The roots behind that “logo”.

It’s no secret we’re from New York City. This is a city whose fabric is woven with the talents and styles likened to that of a DNA strand. So many flavors, customs, looks and sounds. Stars are born...

Supporting Future Leaders

This past year, Bakline worked with HOBY officials and designed the tees both students, volunteers and ambassadors wore during a weekend seminar in New York. Bright colors help distinguished the ro...

NY State Rugby Championship

  We had the pleasure to design the tournament tees for the 2012 NY State High School Rugby Championship held on Randalls Island here in New York City. Congratulations to the McQuaid Jesuit Boys, F...

Sinful Summer Guide #2

Summer has crept up and slammed us in the face when we weren’t looking. So it’s time to risk the sun sin bin and strike back ladies! Hotter weather brings out hotter colors. Let your Sin Bin tee sh...