What Goes Into A Marathon Training Plan
My college coach still holds a grudge against one of my teammates for asking, "Do you like... make up these workouts on the spot?" My teammate thought she was complimenting our coach in good fun, b...

Don't Fear the Bridge
Cover photo is of Jenny Donnelly (@jenny_donn), rocking her Winged Foot Bakline Tank.
Last night, right after the sun set over the Williamsburg Bridge, dozens of runners had the final hurrah of th...
Growing (Top 5 Run Club) Running Communities Through Sponsorship
Growing communities requires not just talking about or hash tagging them but actively contributing toward their success. By physically being present to support each other. On August 12th, we spons...

Conquering the Brooklyn Mile
Cover photo is of Brooklyn's own Katie Michno (@boltlittlelady), who won the women's open race.
In our humble and non-expert opinion, the mile is one of the toughest races out there. Yes, there ar...

Don't Just Take the Bridge. Build It.
One of the beauties of running is how malleable it is to your needs. Some, for example, use it as a means of escape, while others as a means to connect. Last night’s Take the Bridge race was a pri...

Find Your Starting Line. We have lift off.
It's here! After months of research, design, and testing, we've launched Bakline's running line with the release of a spankin' new batch of athleisure apparel. Tees, tanks, and totes - all made to ...

Just another relay with Mile High Run Club at Tracktown USA
We're not entirely sure the New York running community is aware of how comprehensively awesome it is - simply because there's so much to know about. At the very least, it's worth the occasional pa...

BREAKING2NYC - Making Unofficial History
Breaking records and writing history often require being in the right place at the right time. At their core, these feats are also often targeting what has been seen as impossible—or rather, what ...