“For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack.”
- Rudyard Kipling, The Law for the Wolves
This quote came up in a (socially distant) Bakline team meeting this week, and it’s been in the back of my mind ever since. It feels like we’ve all had to become lone wolves these past few weeks, but it’s important to remember that while we all might be feeling alone and disconnected, our individual actions directly affect the strength of our pack.
As athletes, many of us have been unmoored from our routines and goals--the elements we use to structure our days and by which we measure our growth and progress across months and years. It may feel selfish to care about cancelled races and group runs, closed fields and gyms in the current environment, but these are also the ties that bind our communities, strengthen friendships, and very literally make us stronger. It’s okay to miss them, and each other.
Since we could all use a little inspiration right now, we’ll be posting Social Distance Project resources periodically with books, movies, and workouts--whatever brings us together. To kick things off, we’re highlighting some excellent ultra running films and documentaries that celebrate the value of hard things. All are available for free.
Barkley Marathons: The Race that Eats its Young
This full-length documentary chronicles the 2016 Barkley Marathon, a race for the ages even by Barkley standards. We dare you to watch this and not be inspired.
The Source: Courtney Dauwalter
Not since Ann Trason has ultra running seen an athlete as dominant as Courtney Dauwalter. This film explores both Courtney's deep personal determination, but also the spirit and support her crew. It's a great meditation on the intertwining of individual and team efforts in our sport.
In this delightful short film Kilian Jornet races base jumper Tom Erik Heimen up and down the Romsdalshorn in Norway.
Unbreakable: The Western States 100
The name says it all. And since WS100 was also just cancelled, we also recommend this documentary of the 2016 race to tide you over until next year.
We hope you find inspiration, meaning, and a welcome distraction here. Be well.